Hello bloggers welcome back to another blog today. I will be talking about what I did with Miss McGrath and the year 5 today. We did these activities with Miss McGrath while the year 6's went on a trip. It was really fun we did a lot of stuff.
The first thing we did was a wellbeing talk were we had to talk about if people were bullying us. The next thing we did was where we had to walk around and someone played music, when the music stopped we had to talk to someone about how grateful we were this morning.
Then we made a circle and we played this game. its were we have to say something nice to each other when you say something nice to some one you have to sit down and the person you said a nice thing to has to say something nice to someone else.
The last thing we did was were we had to make a chatter box. A chatter box is were you have to colour in the first thing and then we had to write numbers in the inside we had to write a nice message inside. Then we used it to play with others.